Effective recruitment!

Are you having a hard time getting ID06 to your employees?
Do you have a collective agreement with the union?
Challenging to get Swedish social security numbers for foreign employees?
We have a package solution for all this. We offer professional staff in all sectors. All our team have collective agreements. Get in touch to find out more about a solution that suits you.


If you need staffing in construction, you have come to the right place.


Staffing the industry may be challenging, but we have what it takes to master the task.


The right person in the right place is often crucial to a company's success, but it is rarely that simple in practice.


Qualified drivers are often sought immediately for both short and long assignments, but finding the right people can be challenging.

Warehouse staff

Finding the right people for the right positions is challenging and a time-consuming as well as complex job.


A company is never better than its employees, so if you want to continue to grow and take place in the market, it is essential to choose staff with care.
staffing & recruitment workforce staffing

Please contact us.

Fill in the contact form below or get in touch directly by email. 

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